2007 and 2008 Vibrations and Blessings Surround Us

Wow, what a wonder-filled and healing year 2007 has been. What a blessing. All of the chaos, growth, healing, liberation and constant surprises. This is indeed a year of release; cleansing and cutting all the ties that bind us to the past. 2007 is a 9-year, the end of a cycle. Just feel the vibrational change as the year closes.

We are all more than ready for the 2008 year and it is an auspicious year to behold. And the vibration continues to work on us in different ways. Feel it. It is a year of spontaneity, fun, opportunity for prosperity and healing on all levels if we give ourselves permission and step out of the way.

Get ready and hold on to your hats. We are going to fly and fly high especially those of us who have cut the ties. Those who have not completed the cutting process will have minor ups and downs. Those who didn’t attempt to cut the ties; you can expect huge mountains of obstacles and small valleys of peace. In other words, some difficult times ahead. It isn’t too late tho. 

And on a personal note.

This has been a year of blessings for me personally in so many ways. It has been my first year after cutting the ties of constraint from a 9-5 job. It has been an eye opener, staying in the NOW, KNOWing that I would be taken care of in all ways, doors of opportunity opening and stepping thru some of the doors. Knowing there would always be doors of opportunity.

This year is a year of blessings especially for me because of each and every one of you in my life. To all who have temporarily stepped into my life, stayed a short time or been here for a long time, I am so thankful for each one of you. Each person comes into our lives for a reason, we don’t always know at that time why and we don’t need to know. Just accept the presence as the blessing it is.

Blessings come in all guises and some of you have caused me to stretch and grow beyond what I thot was possible. Others have taught me patience beyond my former limit. Others have taught me tolerance. Many have taught me love in all forms. In my many classes, my students were the teachers and I learned from them. There are many challenges to meet and I AM more than prepared and eager to yet stretch and become the real me.

Each of you is in my life for a reason and I give thanks daily for your presence. It doesn’t matter that you may never have met me in person, see me very often, or think of me; you are in my thots and prayers and

I AM who I AM because of you being in my life.

Thank you and continued blessings in each of your lives now and every day. 

The more you have an attitude of gratitude and say thank you, the more blessings come into your lives. Know it and believe it. It is so.

Give yourself permission to be all you are meant to be. 

Let LOVE guide your life each and every day. 


May I be a protector to those without protection A leader for those who journey
And a boat, a bridge, a passage For those desiring the further shore.
May I be the doctor and the medicine and may I be the nurse.
For all sick beings in the world Until everyone is healed.

*Author Unknown*

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