Peace & Pieces

Gayatri Prayer

(This prayer taken from the Book of Runes is known as the Gayatri prayer and embodies the spirit of Sowelu. Address the sun:) You, who are the source of all power, Whose rays illuminate the whole word Illuminate also my heart  So that it too can do Your work. While reciting the Gayatri, visualize the sun's rays streaming forth into the world, entering your own heart, and then streaming out from your heart center, back into the world. This is a powerful and life enhancing prayer.

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That I may grow a little braver to face life's trails and never waiver from high ideals that I have made; to face life squarely unafraid; That I may yet more patient be with those who, faltering, lean on me, to profit by mistakes I've made and let them from my memory fade. That I may always faithful to those who put their trust in me. For these, dear heavenly Lord, I pray that I may prove worthwhile today.

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The most illuminating light that ever spread its silvery rays upon the human head is the light of understanding that comes to the person who has banished hatred, envy and selfishness.

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The greatest freedom man has is his freedom to discipline himself

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